Regularly I am being asked if the price for my session is for regular work or deep tissue. This is an interesting question. I like to answer it is the price for the session you want or need.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Would you like fries with that? A comment on prices and massage.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Jamie Oliver's talk at TED
Nutrition as medicine is a concept I believe very strongly in. I am convinced that the best medicine is a combination of diet and movement (to paraphrase Thomas Edison). Alas, it seems we are losing the battle on the diet front.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Running without shoes? Good or bad for you?
The latest trend in the running world is to run without shoes. New designs for minimal footwear are coming out from all the major athletic shoe brands along with a plethora of opinions in the media and blogosphere about the benefits or problems with them.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A conversation with Dr. Abraham Verghese
Dr Abraham Verghese, author of "Cutting for Stone" and "My Own Country" is talking to KUOW's Steve Scher about life and the practice of medicine.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Book Review: Overcoming Headaches, a natural approach by Pat Thomas
Once in a while, a book set on the display tables at my local library catches the corner of my eye. That is where I came across Pat Thomas' book: Overcoming Headaches, a natural approach.
Monday, February 1, 2010
When to use ice?
A recent article in Training and Conditioning brought my attention to the use of ice by hands-on therapist. The article in question compares the benefits of Biofreeze, a common ice substitution product manufactured by Performance Health, Inc. (the manufacturers of Thera-band) and actual ice. If you want to read it, check it here (but keep in mind of who actually paid for the research).
- do not apply ice to the skin directly: to prevent potential frost damage to the superficial layers of the skin, it is better to wrap the ice in a towel.
- do not apply the ice for more than 20 minutes to the same area: this again to prevent frost damage to the skin and superficial tissue.
- frozen peas or corn bags make great ice bags than can be reused again and again. Don't eat the vegetables if they have been thawed and refrozen.
- Biofreeze or other ice substitution product can also be applied. Carefully wash your hands after application.